March, 2009 Update
Dear Partners in Missions,Trusting that God has work for us to do in the US as well as in Mexico, we've all been hard at work redefining our ministry since moving back to NC. Each organization that we are now serving may be of interest to you or someone you know. Please check out the websites below and let us know if you'd like more information about Full Life Counseling, ECHO Clinics or El Buen Pastor/Latino Community Services.
Full Life Counseling

Ginny's new private counseling practice ~ dedicated to supporting families whose lives are affected by alcohol, medications and drug. So no one suffers alone. For those who are reluctant to reach out, "house calls" are available by special arrangement.
ECHO Clinics (Empowering Church Healthcare Outreach)

John's new employer - ECHO - dedicated to consulting with and for churches seeking to establish free medical clinics and medical ministries in their communities. John is currently supporting churches in SC, TX, FL and OK.
El Buen Pastor Iglesia Presbiteriana en Winston-Salem

Holly & Maggie's volunteer site where they tutor Latino students receiving afterschool care and homework help. This PCUSA church is led by Rev. Rosa Miranda, one of the very first ordained female PCUSA pastors who completed seminary training in Mexico.
- Sign-up for Summer Mission Trips is underway. Deadline for Salem Presbytery trip registration is March 15th. See the Salem Presbytery Mexico Mission site for details or email Wil Gibble.
- Randy DuVall of First Presbyterian in Virginia Beach will be serving as the Missionary in Residence in Ocosingo from April to August. Although we are still able to answer questions and help with some practical matters, most trip planning details should be directed to Randy's email.
- Pablo & Jan's son, Josue, was married to Ana Brito in Mexico City in January. They are continuing their studies at Dordt College in Iowa.
- Despite reports of rampant drug violence in other parts of Mexico, Chiapas continues to be relatively violence-free. The only significant change in our recommendations for travelers would be to avoid making currency exchanges in the Mexico City airport.
- Clinic construction is ongoing, in large part because of a significant gift from The Village Presbyterian Church in Illinois (Carolyn Vogel's church).
- Holly & Maggie plan to intern with Pablo, Jan and Randy for several weeks this summer. Others interested in interning should contact us or Randy DuVall.
Su hermano y hermana en Cristo,
John and Ginny Mills
Mills Family Mission