Friday, March 24, 2006

Breaking New Ground

March 20 was a big day us at Hebron Foundation! We officially broke ground on the clinic project. We were joined by the leaders of the Maya Synod, leaders from three Presbyteries, pastors, elders, barefoot doctors (local health care providers), local government officials and the leading candidate for Governor of Chiapas. Everyone laughed when I brought a new shovel painted gold for the ceremonial turning of the first dirt, but we had people lined up to be photographed throwing soil from the worksite with that gold shovel.

A group of pastors and barefoot doctors worked for five days digging the footings, tying rebar and preparing for the first concrete pour. It will be essential for us to get financial support to be able to pay skilled and unskilled laborers to keep the project construction moving between volunteer work crews if we want to start serving patients in this decade!

The clinic will be built in 3 phases: outpatient clinic, surgical/OB clinic and overnight beds, and a second floor with dormitory and teaching space for visiting physicians and interning barefoot doctors. It is our hope to get the first phase of the clinic built, equipped, staffed and operational before the end of our mission in August, 2008. On Mexico Time, which means only building when there's money in hand (no one goes into debt to build there, even something like a medical clinic), it will take a very concentrated effort to accomplish this goal.

If you church, Rotary Club or other organization is not actively involved in an international project and would be open to learning more about the need for a medical clinic in Chiapas please let us know!

The excitement of the ground breaking must not lose its steam! We need to keep the energy, enthusiasm and resources (human, financial, prayer and practical) coming in order for the Hebron Foundation Board and supporters to keep the vision! Please let us know how you can help!

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